The International Association "Carità Politica" is a movement of the lay faithful established in Italy by Alfredo Luciani. In 1996, this Association was recognized by the Holy See and is by Pontifical Right. On July 27, 2000 it was recognized by the Italian Government as a non-profit-making body.
The Association is particularly linked to the Diplomatic Corps to the Holy See for which it often organizes meetings and seminars for study, as well as the publication of the acts of the same.
Founder and Chairman:
Prof. Alfredo Luciani
Beatrice Rovatti
Spiritual Advisors:
S.E. Mons. Giuseppe Molinari, Arcivescovo Emerito de L'Aquila
Padre Friedrich Bechina, F.S.O. Sottosegretario della Congregazione per l'Educazione Cattolica
- to bring a message of justice and love into every nation and in the relations between nations;
- to promote fraternity and the universality of the human family;
- to build a dialogue of works among various religions, among which education for peace and respect for the environment, solidarity with the suffering, promotion of social justice and full development of peoples;
- develop studies for the deepening and application of Christian social thought;
- to encourage a lively and responsible presence in the political and social life of each community.
The activity of the International Association Missionaries of Political Charity is carried out through:
- ila Master's Degree of specialisation in the "Social Thought of the Religions";
- research and collection of documents in co-operation with other institutions;
- conventions, seminars, debates, conferences and exhibitions at national and international level;
- meetings, conventions study seminars and other ways of co-operation with the diplomatic staff accredited to the Holy See;
- international co-operation on initiatives of consulting, education and exchanges of experiences;
- courses of education and training aiming to coach professionals in line with the labour market, also looking after taking care of teachers, instructors and organisers;
- contacts with other bodies, institutions and associations having the same aim, in order to set up co-ordinated cultural initiatives;
- publication and popularisation of the activities' results carried out at national and international level;
- this is a non-profit association.
(From the Art.3 of the Statute)
The Institute is of an international nature and its goal is to:
- improve the knowledge of ecclesiastic and lay people as to the Social Doctrine of the Church, and its application;
- to ensure an appropriate moral and cultural education to those, who want to devote themselves to social and political activities;
- to foster, at post-university level, the study of social, economic, political and juridical sciences with reference to the religious faiths.
The Association publishes the periodical called "Già e non ancora" and the "Biblioteca di Carità Politica".
Members of the Association
Effective members of the Association are lay faithful, celibate or married who demonstrate a vocation to serve others, to commit themselves to the civil community in its various articulations and institutions both in positions of power management and in basic structures.
Those who contribute to its development with their personal collaboration and donations are sympathetic members of the Association.
Supporters are those who, natural or legal persons, contribute to the development of both the Association and its activities with donations consistent with the statutory purposes.
Support us - 5 x mille
The International Association of Missionaries of Political Charity of Pontifical Right, established as a non-profit organization with D.M. of 27 July 2000 belongs to the institutions to which it is possible to allocate the "5 per thousand" of one's personal income tax. The proceeds raised will be used to support the training of technical and managerial cadres at the service of developing countries with scholarships. To contribute to this training of young people from countries with scarce economic resources, it is necessary to sign and report the tax code of our association 96399530581, in the box "support for non-profit organizations of social utility".
Donations and offers that can be paid via the c.c. postal or bank transfer to account no. 614560.78
IBAN: IT 08 C 01030 03271 000061456078
payable to: Associazione Internazionale Missionari della Carità Politica - Via delle Milizie 140 - 00192 Roma.
The contributions given to the Association are tax deductible.