Carità Politica founded by Alfredo Luciani in 1993
definitively approved by the Holy See on 8 December 2001
established by the Italian Government on 27 July 2001
Headquarters: Via delle Milizie, 140 - 00192 - Rome Italy
Phone./Fax: + 39 06 3723511
Contacts Contacts
English version Italian version  

Learning Rome

  • June 14 9 a.m.- 7 p.m.
    Scientific conference
    Ukraine: 10 Years of Independence
    organised by the Embassy of Ukraine to the Holy See and the Carità Politica Association

  • October 3 Wednesday 5 p.m.
    S.E.R. MONS. STANISLAW RYLKO, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Laity
    S.E.R. MONS. PAOLO ROMEO, Apostolic Nuncio in Italy
    S.E. SIG. RANIERO AVOGADRO, Ambassador of Italy to the Holy See
    MP. WALTER VELTRONI, Mayor of Rome
    MP. FRANCESCO STORACE, President of Lazio
    DR. SILVANO MOFFA, President of Roma Province

  • Social Thought of Global Religions

    • Document’s presentation “Foundations of Social Conception”
      By The Archiepiscopal Council of the Patriarchate of Moscow
      October 17 Wednesday 5 p.m.
      H.E. Mr. VITALY LITVINE, Ambassador of the Russian Federation to the Holy See
      Archpriest VSEVOLOD CIAPLIN, Secretary of the Foreign Relations Office of the Moscow Patriarchate Church-Society relations
      Archpriest NIKOLAJ BALASHOV, Secretary of the Foreign Relations Office of the Moscow Patriarchate. Inter-orthodox- Foreign Ministries relations
      REV. Father VLADIMIR KUCIUMOV, Representative of the Moscow Patriarchate in Italy
      Mr. DMITRIJ SHTODIN, Councillor of the Russian Federation to the Holy See

  • November 7 Wednesday 5 p.m.
    Cardinal PIO LAGHI, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Catholic Education
    H.E. Mr. YANG-IL BAE, Ambassador of Korea to the Holy See

  • Social Thought of Global Religions

    • November 14 Wednesday 5 p.m.
      P. FRANCO IMODA SJ, Dean of the Pontifical Gregorian University
      Psychology and Mistery of the Human Being in the Christian Perspective
      H.E. Mr. FRANJO ZENKO, Ambassador of Croatia to the Holy See

    • November 21 Wednesday 5 p.m.
      H.E. MONS. LLUÍS CLAVELL, Dean of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross
      The Human Being root of the Society
      H.E. MÁXIMO PACHECO GÓMEZ, Ambassador of Chile to the Holy See

    • November 28 Wednesday 5 p.m.
      Prof. GIUSEPPE DALLA TORRE, Dean of Lumsa University
      Connection between law and power
      H.E. Mr. ALBERTO MONTAGNE VIDAL, Ambassador of Peru to the Holy See

  • December 5 Wednesday 5.m.
    Cardinal JORGE MARÍA MEJÍA, Librarian of the Holy Roman Church
    H.E. Mr. WIDODO SUTIYO, Ambassador of Indonesia to the Holy See
    Prof. VITALIANO TIBERIA, President of Pontifical Academy of Fine Arts and Letters of the Virtuosi al Pantheon
    DR. GIUSEPPE SANZOTTA, Editor of the newspaper "Il Tempo"

  • Social Thought of Global Religions

    • December 12 Wednesday 5 p.m.
      S.E.R. MONS. ANGELO SCOLA, Dean of the Pontifical Lateran University
      For an anthropology in line with the Church Social Teaching
      H.E. Mr. IGNACIO QUINTANA, Ambassador of Venezuela to the Holy See
      For a solidaristic anthropology

    • December 19 Wednesday 5 p.m.
      Cardinal PAUL POUPARD, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture
      Peace Christian Culture
      H.E. Mr. OTO AGRIPINO MAIA, Ambassador of Brazil to the Holy See