Carità Politica founded by Alfredo Luciani in 1993
definitively approved by the Holy See on 8 December 2001
established by the Italian Government on 27 July 2001
Headquarters: Via delle Milizie, 140 - 00192 - Rome Italy
Phone./Fax: + 39 06 3723511
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2005 Wednesday Meetings 




The meetings on the topic of Mediterranean Humanism, started last year, aimed and still aim to make the Mediterranean area a special and exemplary place of direct exchange and cooperative relations and of common objectives of solidarity and development in the framework of new more developed relations between the North and and the South of the world.

Diplomats, religious authorities and scientists from different disciplines discussed Mediterranean cooperation and the culture of dialogue. The success achieved last year by our meetings and seminars, leads us also this year to continue the path of Mediterranean Humanism reflecting on the role of women in the Church and in the world.

The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith has recently sent a Letter to the Bishops of the Catholic Church on the collaboration of men and women in the Church and in the world. Although the Congregation addresses the Bishops of the Catholic Church, it expresses the hope that these reflections will become the starting point for a dialogue on the subject not only within the Church but also among all men and women of good will. Moreover, the content of the Letter reveals an even more specific concern, that is, the damaging influence of certain contemporary "schools of thought" on the authentic promotion of women. The Congregation describes the theories considered problematic, highlights the key elements of the biblical vision of the human being, male and female, and then shows how this alternative vision could inspire generous collaboration in society and in the Church.

Inspired by this Letter of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Carità Politica International Association has promoted a series of meetings on New feminism, a subject already promoted by John Paul II in his Encyclical Evangelium vitae. The aim is to draw attention to the dignity of women, their multiple roles both in the Church and in civil society, following in the footsteps of the Virgin Mary.

The protagonists of the scheduled meetings will be the Honourable Women Ambassadors to the Holy See and personalities from the Roman Curia. By clarifying the different relationships, profoundly different female figures will emerge, all of them worthy of being known and respected in their diversity.

  • H.E. Mons. Marcelo Sánchez SORONDO, Chancellor of the Academy of Social Sciences
    Feminism and Contemporary Philosophy.
    H.E. Hanna SUCHOCKA, Ambassador of Poland to the Holy See
    Women's issue and the main lines of the Pontifical Magisterium.
    Dr Joan F. LEWIS, Journalist V.I.S. (International Development Volunteer)
    Women and the mass media.
    March 2 2005, Wednesday 5 p.m.

  • Cardinal Alfonso López TRUJILLO, Pontifical President Council For the Family
    The woman in the family.
    H.E. Leonida L. VERA, Ambassador of the Philippines to the Holy See
    The contribution of women in the life of the Church.
    March 9 2005, Wednesday 5 p.m.

  • Cardinal José Saraiva MARTINS, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints
    Mary, woman of our days.
    H.E. Vera Borrouin MACHADO, Ambassador of Brazil to the Holy See
    Dignity and women's rights in Latin America.
    Father Joseph JOBLIN, Pontifical Gregorian University
    The woman in professional life.
    Dr. Maria Pia RUFFILLI, Executive Director PFIZER (Italy)
    April 6 2005, Wednesday 5 p.m.

  • Cardinal Jozef TOMKO, Pontifical President Pontificio Committee for International Eucharistic Congress
    Mary, real woman.
    H.E. Dagmar BABCANOVÁ, Ambassador of Slovakia to the Holy See
    Dignity and women's rights in Europe.
    Dr. Anna ZÁBORSKÁ, President of the European Parliament Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality
    Woman as the creator of peace.
    April 13 2005, Wedneday 5 p.m.

  • H.E. Mons. Agostino MARCHETTO, Secretary of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People
    The migrant woman.
    H. E. Maria De Los Angeles Florez PRIDA, Ambassador of Cuba to the Italian Government
    The woman in Cuba.
    Dr. Elda MELARAGNO, Regional Director of Health (Lazio).
    Dr. Stefania BORGOGNONE, Esperta in International Tax System Expert
    The woman and the job world.
    April 20 2005 Wednesday, 5 p.m.

  • H. E. Mons. Angelo AMATO, Secretary of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
    Mary, a peak of perfection.
    P. Justo LACUNZA-BALDA, Pontifical Dean of the Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies
    The woman in the Islamic world.
    Dr. Patrizia TOMACELLI, Paris University IV Sorbonne
    Woman and culture.
    April 27 2005, Wednesday 5 p.m.




De senectute



Sala del Cenacolo
Chamber of Deputies
Vicolo Valdina 3/a - Rome

With this second cycle of meetings in 2005 we want to reflect on the condition of the elderly. Reaching the full age, in the biblical vision, is a sign of God's benevolence. In today's society, thanks also to the contribution of science and medicine, we are witnessing a lengthening of human lifespan and a subsequent increase in the number of elderly people. This calls for a more specific attention to the world of the so-called 'third' age, in order to help people to fully live their potentialities, placing it at the service of the whole community. In this way older people will not to feel themselves a burden to the community and sometimes even to their families, in a situation of loneliness that exposes them to hostility and discouragement.

  • The ethical value of old age between suffering and hope
    Mons. Nelson Viola, Caritas Internationalis Central Assistant
    Dr. Francesco Landi, Aging Medical Centre General Hospital "Agostino Gemelli"
    Dott. Luigi Giunti, General Director Italian Hospital Group
    October 12 2005, Wednesday 5 p.m.

  • For an “Aging Beauty”
    Mons. Pasquale Iacobone, Pontifical Council for Culture
    Dr. Orkan Yilmas, Kurdish scientist
    Dr. Fernando Silori, President COFISAN Group
    October 19 2005, Wednesday 5 p.m.

  • For a peaceful old age
    Cardinal Javier Lozano Barragán, President of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Healtcare
    H.E. Sig. Giuseppe Balboni Acqua, Ambassador of Italy to the Holy See
    Dr. Maria Pia Ruffilli, Chief Executive PFIZER (Italy)
    Prof. Roberto Bernabei, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and President Italian Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics
    October 26 2005, Wednesday 5 p.m.

  • Woman and society
    Cardinal José Saraiva Martins, Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints
    Mary, woman of our days
    H.E. Vera Borrouin Machado, Ambassador of Brazil to the Holy See
    Dignity and women's rights in Latin America
    November 9 2005, Wednesday 5 p.m.

  • Nature Image of God
    Prof. Morteza Honari, University of Tehran and Sydney
    Father Joseph Joblin, Pontifical Gregorian University
    November 16 2005, Wednesday 5 p.m.

  • Ethics and science facing pain
    Prof. Enrique Colom, University of the Holy Cross (Opus Dei)
    H.E. Raúl Roa Kourí, Ambassador of Cuba to the Holy See
    Dr. Roberto Righini, Oncologist COFISAN Group
    Dr. Maurizio Cattel, General Surgeon COFISAN Group
    Prof. Alessandro Fabrizio Sabato, Centro Pain Therapy Centre - Tor Vergata General Hospital
    November 23 2005, Wednesday 5 p.m.

  • The time of globalization
    H.E. Mons. Marcelo Sánchez Sorondo, Chancellor of Academy of Social Sciences
    Globalization and social justice
    H.E. Máximo Pacheco Gómez, Ambassador of Chile to the Holy See
    Globalization and culture
    November 30 2005, Wednesday 5 p.m.

  • The Free Time of the Elderly
    H.E. Mons. Francesco Di Felice, Former Undersecretary of the Pontifical Council for the Family
    H.E. Carlos Luis Custer, Ambassador of the Argentine Republic to the Holy See
    Dr. Ottavio Cagiano de Azevedo, Federvini General Director
    Dr. Alessio Romeo, Psychiatrist -  Nursing home “S. Alessandro”
    December 7 2005, Wednesday 5 p.m.

  • Good life and longevity: social and cultural aspects
    Cardinal Paul Poupard, President of the Pontifical Council for Culture
    H.E. Mr. Oded Ben-Hur, Ambassador of Israel to the Holy See
    Prof. Gerardo Ronzoni, University of the Holy Cross
    December 14 2005, Wednesday 5 p.m.